Get Extra Money from Intel or HP

Do you bought a HP with Intel Pentium 4 based PC between November 20, 2000 and December 31, 2001 for personal, family, or household use? You might be lucky, if you are US residents.
At the end of a long-running legal battle over which is better, the Pentium 4 or the AMD Athlon Thunderbird, a ruling has found that Intel may have engineered the benchmarks a bit. It means that AMD Athlon Thunderbird was indeed, better than Intel's Pentium 4. But I think everybody knows that, right?

Anyway, if you are still furious about you've been cheated 14 years ago, you can submit a claim form from here. You might get free USD 15. Otherwise, you can still sue Intel or HP to get more compensation. You can also complained about the compensation fee. But do it quick, the deadlines are up to December 15, 2014 and April 14, 2015.

I wish the rules are applied also in Indonesia. On second thought, it doesn't matter for me because back in those days, I always opted for the green side.

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