Most Popular Smartphone in Indonesia, May 2015

InPonsel ( a community apps that becomes an information warehouse for cellular phone also gadgets and has been downloaded by around 50K users from PlayStore, records the number of search from their users.

For this month, according to their statistics, most of their users and visitors search for ASUS ZenFone 2 and Xiaomi Mi 4i. The number of search for this two models are very significant compared to the others. Here is the complete list:

Interestingly, from this top 15 most searched model, only one model from Samsung that managed to get on the list. Sony has two, Xiaomi has two and Lenovo has four!

The top of the list, Asus, only has one, the ZenFone 2. That's because this model, Asus's latest flagship is the most recent device coming from them. The good thing for the Taiwanese manufacturer is, LG's latest flagship and Samsung's flagship is far below their statistics.

Search stats, though. Not real selling stats.

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